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Второе поколение iPhone. Модель A1241; 8 или 16 ГБ памяти; с черной или белой задней пластиковой крышкой. Ремонт проще, чем первого iPhone. Требует отвертки и инструментов для вскрытия.

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Logic board broken into many pieces

If my iPhone 3G recently got ran over and the phone was broke into many pieces. Including the logic board. The board has many pieces that are broke. I believe I lost some of them and my dad disposed of them. Are these safe to throw away or can someone get data off of them?

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I highly doubt you'd be able to get data off them and if you are worried about your data, just find the memory chips on the board (should be larger squares) and drill a screw through them. Now there will be no way of getting any data off them. Also, if your Dad threw them away, I highly doubt anyone is going through your local land fill to look for busted motherboard parts.

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Yes I found most of the board but not the one containing the data memory. He must have tossed it in the trash. Didn't know how easy it was to gather data from a broken logic board


I dont think it's easy. You'd have to desolder and resolder onto a working board. Im not saying your information isnt important, but if we arent talking about secret service documents, I doubt anyone would take the time to try to retrieve the data.


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