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Model A1174 with 2 GHz Core Duo or Model A1207 with 2.16 or 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo

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My display is cracked. Whats the display-part.no?


the display of my iMac is cracked.

I've been searching for the correct description of it so I could

try to get a new one and repair the iMac by myself.

Can anybody please tell me what I must looking for?

My iMac has the EMC 2105 and is a 2.16 GHz modell.



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Here's how the display is replaced: iMac Intel 20" EMC 2105 and 2118 Display Replacement

At least two different sub-contactors supply this LCD display panel.

Apple part# 661-3895 by Samsung

Apple part# 661-3881 by LG

Ifixit does not seem to carry the part. First see which one you have and then I can help direct you to a replacement. Suppliers seems to be very proud of this part and prices vary wildly.

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Thank you for the answer. I'm going to check this out.

Kind regards,



I have a 20" Intel display in stock and can probably give you a better price. Please click on my icon and email me once you know which part you need.


Do you also ship the display to germany?


Why not. email me.


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