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Released in November 2013, this model of the HP 2000 series is the perfect device for those on a budget, but don't want to sacrifice performance.

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My laptop is stuck at the hp logo starting screen.

everytime i turn on my laptop it gets stuck at the loading screen and then turns black for a second then repeats. i tried removing the battery and holding the power button for 30 seconds and it still doesn't work. Any suggestions?

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- Have you tried checking your memory modules to see if they are seated correctly?

- If you have more then one memory module, you can test your modules by trying to start computer with each individual module.

- Is the hard drive full? 15% or less available space, the system will freeze.

- A bad hard drive can also cause the system to freeze. I would connect it to another computer and run a program called Crystal Disk Info to check the health of the drive. If it's in the yellow or red, I would pull off any important data before the drive completely dies.

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