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Model A1419 / Late 2013 / 3.2 & 3.4 GHz Core i5 or 3.5 GHz Core i7 Processor, ID iMac14,2

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Remains in the shadow of the screen program


At the attached Picture; the screen seems green and pixelled. Either application’s silhouette stays or there are some deterioration on the screen. This case only can be seen at the dark colors not in the light colors. What causes this?

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

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This looks like a noise issue on the graphics part of the logic board.


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Given the age of your system I would bring the system into an Apple Store and let them fix it. They will likely need to replace the logic board.

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batuhangoksu будет вечно благодарен.
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