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The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ is the larger variant of the Galaxy S6 Edge smart phone.

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Volume buttons randomly press after battery cover replacement

I have a problem.

I had to do a repair on an s6 edge+, which included the battery cover, camera, and a camera cover. Strangely, after i took off the battery cover, the volume buttons keps pressing themselves, as in, say I press the volume up, it would shoot from 0 to full with several clicks. same with the volume down.

I tried loosening some of the screws, had some effect, now only the vol. up was going off. I tried shaving a little bit off of the rubber thumbs on the inside, thinking the button might get stuck somehow. Didn`t help much. I even cleaned the connectors with alcohol. After a while, the buttons seemed to behave normally, was thinking maybe it was just a bit of static running around. I sealed the phone and gave it back to my customer.

They phoned up a few days later saying they had the same issue pop up.

What do? Factory reset? Get new volume flex? Thor`s hammer? Any suggestions welcome and appreciated. Thank you.

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I presume you used compressed air to ensure no dust or dirt snuck in before you sealed it up. It sure sounds like in reassembling it something got smushed the wrong way. I would have them bring it back, open it, do a thorough inspection with jeweler's loupe, clean thoroughly, then carefully reassemble to ensure all parts are in the correct position.

Don't use Thor's hammer unless you have a replacement phone ready to give the owner. ;)


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I'd go with the volume flex

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