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Announced in March 2015 and released April 10, 2015, the Galaxy S6 Edge is the curved-screen version of Samsung's newest flagship smartphone.

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Can my S6 edge be repairable when ran over by car?

I ran over my phone with my car after replacing my popped tire.

I realised when i got home my phone was missing but i was able to locate it via gps and found it on the freeway emergency lane.

The screen is crushed and the phone is slightly bent. The screen works but I cant use it due to my crushed screen. It just stays on lock screen and sometimes flashes. The upper 3/4 of the phone looks okay, just only cracked screen. But lower 1/4 (where my wheel went over the phone) has locks of cracks on screen and a slight bent.

I can see that I still get notifications but not much i can do.

I assume interior is fine, but the exterior that holds the structure of the phone is broken.

Can this be replaced?

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It probably can, but the question is if it's worth it. You'll probably need to replace the mid frame, the screen and the back cover, and that seems to total out at around $200-300. I'd give Samsung a call and see what they'd charge you for a replacement unit.

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$200 is doable but that is if it's DIY.


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I don't think I can do it myself since I don't know much.

I'll probably take it to repairs and hope it's worth the fix.

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