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The second generation HTC One—dubbed the HTC One (M8)—features a dual flash and the new Sense 6 UI, and was released March 25, 2014.

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My bottom of screen

Hello guys help me please, the bottom of my display has an yellow colour, and the touch doesn't work in the bottom of my screen for HTC one m8

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First thing to try would be backing up all the data and factory restoring the device.

If that is unsuccessful then you will need to open the phone up to try resetting the screen cables. Opening an HTC One M8 is quite tricky and I don't recommend it for a beginner. Follow along with this guide

HTC One M8 Display Assembly Replacement

to get the back open and rather than remove the screen altogether just remove and reinsert the two screen cables making sure they are all the way connected and sitting flush.

If the problem still occurs you will need to replace the LCD assembly, order a new screen and again follow this guide.

HTC One M8 Display Assembly Replacement

Also make sure to read the comments on the guide as they point out a few things that are not clear in the guide itself.

Good luck!

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helperr25 будет вечно благодарен.
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