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The Samsung Galaxy Note II is a smartphone noted for its combination of a large display and software optimized for an integral self-storing stylus.

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Where can I get a circuit diagram and component overlay?

Where can i get a circuit diagram and component overlay?

I want to add an induction/wireless charging coil to my SC-02E Galaxy Note 2.

I am willing to solder the board and have the skills to do so.

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Looking at the PCB of the SC-O2E, there are no connections on the board that are readily exposed (unlike the Note 3), and it WILL need to be soldered.

The note 3 with its dodgy unsecured connectors could also do with a better connection system.


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I'm not sure there is a schematic diagram publicly available for the note 2, but if you are just interested in adding wireless charging, then there are cheap kits that do not require soldering.

Here is one


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