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G5 does not power on consistantly.

G5 started not turning on consistently four days ago, sometimes would sometimes not. Opened it up, reset SMU, worked once but now not. LED 1 is lit. LED 2 blinks when internal power button is pushed but will not stay on. What do you think new power supply or logic board?

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This power supply problem is so common that I keep two of them in stock. You need Apple part # 661-3625. You will most likely not find a new one only rebuilt or used. Prices vary greatly. I usually pay about $110 for a good one. The are also capacitor kits to rebuild them on eBay and the web for about $18.00.

The trick to removing them easily is to first unscrew them and pull up on on both ends to avoid binding. I use a hemostat on the left screw.

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