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Model A1502 / 2.4, 2.6, or 2.8 GHz dual-core Intel processor / Released October 2013

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Dimensions of screws for keyboard replacement

I recently bought a keyboard to replace the one in my a1502. While researching I realized I need to get screws to replace the rivets. Everywhere I look all I can find about these screws is "PH #000" which is the head size not the actual length or radius.

Any help is appreciated,


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Here's one source for screws: Keyboard screws

You should try to reuse the rivets first. I also recommend making sure to buy the keyboard with spare rivets.

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Thanks for the link, however, I live in china so amazon is not an option. However you can find virtually anything on taobao.com here (that's where I got the keyboard). As you could imagine a thing like screws are very cheap here all I need is the dimensions.


As of 10/30/2019 this product is not available at the link provided above on Amazon.

The product offered is a KEYBOARD with a set of screws.

The product fitment does not include model 1502 a late 2013 MBP, 13", Retina.

Compatibility is primarily the MBP unibody but check product description section for full list on Amazon.

I am disappointed the keyboard I ordered from ifixit did not come with the screws required to mount it and there is no "warning" that it comes without screws, and that ifixit doesn't have the screws available to order and doesn't know where the screws can be sourced. I'm feeling kinda screwed. They did offer to take back the keyboard and refund my money which is good. This seems to be my only option at this point. I guess I will just continue using my K380 logitech blue tooth keyboard that works GREAT but it's one more component to carry around and obviously not as slick as having an integrated keyboard in my laptop.


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