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PowerBook G4 Aluminum laptops with 17" displays. Released by Apple in 2003.

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Hard drive wont mount

Ok Im not techie, but before I pitch this thing I would like to see if there is a fix that won't cost me an arm and a leg.

My laptop wont start up. It has (had?) 10.5.8 on it I don't have the disk for that but I do have a disc for 10.5.6

If I start up I get the happy face/question mark icon....wont go further. If I insert the 10.5.6 disc, it goes to the screen to select drive to install on, the box is blank. No drive to pick from.

If I go to the top and select disk utility, the only disk to choose is the dvd.

Is my laptop toast? I know it is old, but I cannot afford another and this was working awesome til it blew its cork.

Thanks ever so much for any help you can give me.

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Выбранное решение

If this 10.5.6 is a gray disk, it is machine specific. If it is not for your machine it won't work. You would need a retail version of 10.5. It would help us to know your specific machine. Axxx number and EMC number. This information can be found in the battery compartment on most models.


Here's how to replace your hard drive:

PowerBook G4 Aluminum 17" 1.67 GHz (High-Res) Hard Drive Replacement

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Оценка 2

3 Комментариев:

1 GHz/512MB/60GB/Superdrive

EMC 1933

not sure which set of numbers is the Axxx.......IC:579C-A1041 ?


Looks like this may be your machine:

Apple PowerBook G4 1.0 17" (Al) Specs

Identifiers: 17-Inch - M8793LL/A - PowerBook5,1 - A1013 - N/A


Pre-Installed MacOS: X 10.2.4 Maximum MacOS: X 10.5.8

Sounds like your hard drive has failed.

Standard Hard Drive: 60 GB (4200 RPM) Int. HD Interface: Ultra ATA/100


Thats what I thought.............but since Im not a techie thought it worth asking Thank you.


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