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Refrigerator and freezer are not cooling properly

Hi, I have a GE refrigerator/freezer which has the freezer at the bottom as a drawer and the refrigerator is at the top. The refrigerator temperature rose to 55 F and the freezer temperature rose to 40 F when I noticed the problem. I removed items from the refrigerator to look at the vent that allows airflow from the freezer to the refrigerator and noticed it was blocked by a easily movable "flap." I opened up the flap and waited to see if the temperatures would improve. After about 20 hours, the temperature steadily approached normal temperature (37 F in the refrigerator and 0 F in the freezer). However, at about 24 hours, I noticed the temperatures in both compartments were rising again (40 F in the refrigerator and 10 F in the freezer). My freezer does not have any frost or ice buildup. I turned off the machine and let it manually defrost overnight but there was not much melted water the next day. Does anyone know what could be the problem and what else I should check? Thanks!

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Выбранное решение

Florence, before jumping the gun, plug the fridge back in and see if problem persist. If fridge under warranty call/contact the place of purchase or manufacturer. If out of warranty call a good appliance repair tech, have them take a look, diagnose and estimate repair. Check the attached links,instruction and guides, Good luck

You can also do a google search using your make and model # refrigerator/ freezer not cooling properly.

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It sounds like it could be in the defrost cycle. Usually every 6 hours it will go into defrost, the compressor and fans turn off and a heater behind the back freezer wall comes on to melt ice build up in the evaporator coils. This will raise the temperature slightly. 10* in freezer and 40* in fresh food for a short time is fine. It will not spoil your food. The defrost cycle last about 20 -40 min. then the fans and compressor come back on to cool the refrigerator.

My suggestion would be: check the temperature as often as you can, write it down along with the time. Also note if you hear any fans running. If you open the doors the fans might stop so listen and feel for any vibrations that stop when you open the door.

This will help us to determine if it's cycling properly, if not, what path to take next.

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