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Released in November 2013, this model of the HP 2000 series is the perfect device for those on a budget, but don't want to sacrifice performance.

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After powering, the programmes simply flicker and crash on opening

The system started up successfully(windows 8) but programmes/ softwares installed refused to open in the desktop environment. when clicked to open, it flickered and went off. The touchpad also didnot respond well.

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Try connecting a USB mouse and see if the programmes open alright. The thought behind this is as you say that you are having problems with the touchpad I'm wondering if it may be double or triple 'tapping' due to a faulty touchpad and therefore closing the programme as soon as it opens.


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Check your bios and change it to factory defaults. Turn it off and replace the CPU Thermal paste as per manual if you aren't competent enough have it done at a computer repair shop. Also have the air intake cleaned of dirt and pet dander/hair. Then try to power it on again since it is now an aged system. ( I have the same model and it runs fine after cleaning and Thermal paste replacement.)

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