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2011 MacBook air LCD repair?

My MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2011) LCD broke and I'm looking to replace. I'm when looking for it online, I see an apple macbook model a1465 mid 2013 and was wondering if they are compatable. Any help would be appreciated.

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If it's that much, I might as well invest in a new computer. That's at least half the cost of the computer. Would you agree?


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Unfortunately, they are incompatible. If you purchase an LCD replacement, make sure you get the entire upper assembly. You will be paying extra for the entire assembly but saving yourself a major headache trying to replace the LCD only!(Macbook Air's LCD is very thin and brittle. Easy to break.)

iFixit sells the entire assemblies: MacBook Air 11" 2011 LCD Assembly

MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2011) Display Assembly Изображение


MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2011) Display Assembly


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