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Model A1174 with 2 GHz Core Duo or Model A1207 with 2.16 or 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo

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T7200 Intel processor on iMac 1207

Can I use a 2.0ghz T7200 Intel processor on this logicboard?

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Can you tell us why you want to downgrade? I've done several upgrades but not the other way around.


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Yes, the Intel Core2 Duo Processor T7200 (4M Cache, 2.00 GHz, 667 MHz FSB) is compatible.

I'm not sure its worth upgrading here as your system only has a 32bit EFI so it can't run any OS newer than Lion (10.7.5)

Also finding these older CPU's that are the try type can be tricky! Heres the IFIXIT guide you'll need to follow: iMac Intel 20" EMC 2105 and 2118 Logic Board Replacement it will only get you to taking the logic board out.

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jeanlemure будет вечно благодарен.
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