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The April 2014 update of the 11" MacBook Air packs refreshed dual-core i5 and i7 Haswell processors and slightly increased battery performance.

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Why is my CPU over 300%

Little over a day ago, I dropped my Mac Book Air, not a very high drop, and in the morning I noticed that computer was running extremely slow and the fan instantly started when the device turned on. I checked my CPU % and it was running fluctuating from 300% sometimes to 2000%... I didn't know what to do I'm not very tech savvy. I also noticed that my sound isnt working.. and there is no option in sound preferences for MacBook Air Microphone. Can anyone help?

Thanks Kevin.

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How high is "not very high" ? Is the computer damaged on the outside ?


Fell from my bed little less then a metrr


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Выбранное решение

The I/O cable has become unplugged. Remove the bottom cover and reconnect the cable which runs over the fan, between the main board and the charging board. If this is unplugged, sound/mic will not work and the fans will spin loudly.

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Your awesome sounds like that might be it


Does this also explain the high court?


I mean CPU??


No problem. Yes, if either the I/O cable or the trackpad cable are unplugged, the CPU will shoot up and fans spin loudly (there are sensors in both places)


Thanks for the quick response I'll try it when I get my hands on the appropriate tools to open up the MacBook. Thanks for all the help



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