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Apple Watch Series 2, announced September 7th, 2016 and released September 16 2016.

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Can you use the series 1 screen on the series 2?

I have an apple watch with a cracked screen, and I can't find anywhere to buy a replacement screen, but I did find that ifixit has a replacement apple watch series one screen replacement. Would I be able to use that for my watch? The replacement and my screen are the same size, and I know I wouldnt be able to get the same illumination, but i need it fixed.

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No, the screens use different connectors, so it will not work. You can check out the teardown for both on this website to see for yourself.

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Thank you, yeah i should've paid closer attention to the teardowns when i watched them.


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What about the original's Apple watches green on the series 1 ?

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