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A1369 vs A1465 display monitor

can I replace my A1465 display monitor with an A1369 monitor? If not, where can I find a relatively inexpensive A1465 monitor?

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londalel you will have to identify the panel. There are variations even within the same model group. Try this and see what your computer tells you

ioreg -lw0 | grep IODisplayEDID | sed "/[^<]*</s///" | xxd -p -r | strings -6


You may be able to repair this display unit, what's wrong with it?


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The A1369 assembly is for the 13" model, and the A1465 is the 11" model, so this will not fit.

Best place to get a single assembly will be eBay. Depending on the supplier, the aluminium may have minor marks (reject units Apple don't use) so check with the supplier first. There are suppliers who resell original ones used by Apple service centres, in sealed black plastic covers, which will not have any marks.

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londalel будет вечно благодарен.
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