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How do I replace my LCD?

Can anybody help? My lcd-led screen has been broken, any body can tell me how to do it your self, the access to the lcd is my big problem. On the old macbook, it was pretty easy to access but in the new macbook looks everything if together with some type of glue or something. Any advice?

Thank you

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hello everybody

The problem is that the screen it´s totally different from the MacBook unibody aluminium, because the screen looks like is one piece stick with glue or something,........ there´s no screw or frame click together.. as I said looks like it´s one piece, so I can not separate the actual LED-LCD from the frame a plastic cover of the outside.....

one more thing........ in the aluminium unibody, there´s a lot of info on how you separete the cristal front to have access to the LCD, but in this new unibody white MacBook there´s no info....... ciaooo



Hello everybody

I just did it........ the procedure is in fact more easy than previous models because it doesnt have inverter.....

First step for safety is to remove the battery.

second following the procedure of the MacBook Pro to remove the front cristal....... heat a little bet the white front basel and slowly remove the plastic front.......

thirt remove the screw.

last now you have access to the LCD, removed the conector....

The part number is LG Philips LP133WX2 (TL)(G2)........I have been contact with a lot of providers and they run out of stock.... Does anybody knows another screen that will work with the MacBook unibody policarbonate?????.



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Выбранное решение

Here is the teardown for your computer. Ralph

MacBook Unibody Model A1342 Teardown

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Also including the teardown for the LCD panel for an older unibody. Should give you an idea of what the procedure is. Ralph

MacBook Unibody Model A1278 LCD Panel Replacement


Use a hair dryer to heat the glue on the bezel before loosening.

Good Luck,



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Just been in chat with a mac technician...hope this helps all. pimp my score :-)


I am doing well. To answer your question, unfortunately I do not have all of the part numbers that are available for the LCD. Apple uses three or four different manufacturers for the LCDs in the MacBooks, and each manufacturer has its own part number. However, they are all interchangable and compatible with each other. We cannot guarantee you will receive the same manufacturer as the one you currently have, but we can guarantee compatibility.


ok so do you know if the lp133wx2-tlc1 from the unibody MacBook Pro fits the MacBook a1342? its confusing as trying to find the right lcd


well one that will fit and work


From what I've been told and what I've seen, the MacBook aluminum Unibody, polycarbonate Unibody, and MacBook Pro 13" Unibody all use the same LCD.


ahh ok because there some confusion as there all diffrent part numbers.. mines lp133wx2-tlg1 and MacBook Pros are lp133wx2-tlc1 and the 13 ends with e1....and seen some unibody models end in tlg2. so its confused the hell out of me which one to order..lol


lol, yeah, what you are seeing (those last two letters and numbers changing) are usually revisions that the manufacturers (LG in particular, as the part number you are referencing is for the LG models) make to the LCD. As long as the main section of the part number stays the same, then they should be all compatible.


brill ok how much is shipping for one to the uk? any idea if i buy from you?

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Here is the part, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a guide. However, the installation is only 'moderate' so you should probably be able to do it yourself. Perhaps if you look at the guide for the non-unibody model you can figure out how to do the insides, and to take it apart just follow the teardown. The parts you need are listed on the page with the part. Good luck!

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Does the Polycarbonate Macbook unibody have a glass cover like the Aluminum Unibody or is it like the previous generation macbooks where you have the bezel and the lcd and no glass cover. Also, which macbook procedure is being referred. Sorry for the detailed questions. I'm am trying to fix my mother's macbook from a distance.

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It is like the previous generation of MacBook where you have the bezel, the problem it´s that the bezel on the new model is glue, so you have to use the same procedure as the MacBook unibody with glass cover....... you have to heat a little bed the bezel so you can remove the bezel becouse of the glue...... sorry but I´m spanish so explain in english it´s difficult...... Saludossss


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U can search :

Samsung LTN133AT09

Lg Philips LP133WX2

AU Optronics B133EW04

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yes as I said the part number is LP133WX2 but with the end (TL)(G2) as I wrote before,...... Are you sure if that Samsung or AU optronics also fit in the MacBook unibody polycarbonateç?, because I have to say that in the model LP133WX2 there´s a lot of diferent part numbers, and I don´t know if for example the LP133WX2 (TL)(E1) can fit on the MacBook unibody polycarbonate..... If somebody knows a more detail info about the LCD with part number that can fit in the MacBook unibody polycarbonate, please! tell me!. Thanks everybody..

PD Ricardo, I wrote you the answer a couple of days ago but I believed it´s been deleted my mail franalvarenas@hotmail.com if you want any more info..... Saludos!


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Mine came with LP133WX2-TLG1

I bought LP133WX2-TLE1. Not compatible: different connector.

I then bought LP133WX2-TLC1. Not compatible. Same connector, works fine while the computer starts up but cuts off a bit before loginwindow starts (no backlight, no LCD). Restarting the computer produces the same result. Resetting the PRAM makes it worse: Doesn't work all even after restart. Only way to get something is to reconnect the cracked screen, reset the PRAM again, reconnect LP133WX2-TLC1 and then it does the same again (works for a few seconds then cuts off).

I then bought B133EW03 (supposedly compatible with A1342). Not compatible. Connector is slightly different: about 1mm larger.

I guess 3rd time lucky doesn't apply here.

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My screen model is AU Optronics: B133EW04 V.4 HW04. Numerous sources cited the LP133WX2-TLC1 as fully compatible, including the ebay store that I purchased from. I selected snail-mail for delivery (it was free), but once I get the screen, I'll attempt to install and I'll post back with the results. This particular ebay store has the replacement screen listed for $81.50. Seems like a really good deal. I've got my fingers crossed!!

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Got the part in the mail yesterday. Worked like a charm! I noticed that when the screen went to sleep, I had to change the brightness in order for it to come out of sleep mode, BUT once I wiped the drive and reinstalled the OS, it stopped doing that glitch. Now, it works just as it should.

The only thing that remains for me to find out is if there is any special calibration I need to do. I have noticed that it isn't 100% a clear of an image as it was. I'd say it's now around 97%, which of course, depending on what work you intend to do could be anything from a non-issue to the most catastrophic result. But, I guess it's better than having to buy a brand new computer. $81.50 vs. $1000? I'll take the $81.50.

If I get anywhere with the calibration stuff to get me back to %100, I'll post a resolution.


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i have this model ,only usd100,contact me daview.sam@gmail.com

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