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Announced - 2014, November The Samsung Galaxy Core Prime (G360, G361) is powered by 1.3GHz quad-core processor, and it comes with 1GB of RAM. The phone packs 8GB of internal storage that can be expanded up to 64GB via a microSD card.

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My phone was super hot while charging, and it wont turn on.

At 4am, I woke up and found that my phone battery is 7%, I charged it and leave it. after an hour I checked my phone and was shocked that it is so hot so I immediately took it out from charging to avoid explosion. Then when I tried to turn it on, it wont open. I leave it for a while and let it cool down, still it wont turn on. I tried to charge it again but it's not working anymore. please please please help me. will I still be able to recover my files?

I have this phone for more than a year.

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@hannahsophia heat=shortcircuit. Could be your battery or the power management IC on your circuit board. I would start with a battery replacement and then reevaluate. If it still heats up you will have to disassemble your phone to take a look at the circuit board for any obvious damage. Of course, check the warranty status of your phone first. If it is still covered, make use of it.

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