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Моноблок представленный компанией Microsoft в ноябре 2016г. Его особенности- это 28 дюймовый PixelSense тачскрин дисплей, Intel Core i5 или i7 шестого поколения Skylake. Доступен в модификации на 8ГБ/16ГБ/32ГБ О3У, 1ТБ/2ТБ гибридной памяти и графика NVIDIA GeForce GTX 965M/GeForce GTX 980M.

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Can I upgrade Surface Studio hard drive to full SSD

On the new top-of- the-line Microsoft Surface Studio, with a 128gb SSD/2tb hybrid drive, can it be user-upgraded to a full 1tb/2tb SSD drive?

I read The read/write speeds of the Studio's hybrid drive were around 200-300mbps and the Surface Book laptop was 1.6+gbps, which makes the laptop hard drive 5 times faster than the new Studio.

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Выбранное решение

Yes, both of the drives are upgradable.

One you've replaced one or both of the drives, follow the instruction below.

Download the recovery image for Microsoft Surface from Microsoft’s website

Format your flash drive in FAT32 format and extract the content of the zipped file to the flash drive.

Step 1: Shut down your Surface.

Step 2: Insert the bootable USB drive into the USB port on your Surface.

Step 3: Press and hold the volume-down button on Surface.

Step 4: While holding down the volume-down button, press and release the power button.

Step 5: Follow the on-screen instructions to boot from your USB drive.

English (United States) > US > Troubleshoot > Reset your PC > Next > Yes, repartition the drives > Just remove my files > Next

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When I do this, there is no "Yes, repartition the drives"-option.

Do I have to delete all partitions with for example AOMEI Partition Assistan?


Did you get this to work...?


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I did it and wrote my experience here:


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Great write-up! However, the big problem I see with what you've done is that you have installed Windows 10 onto the slower 2 TB 2.5" SATA III SSD (disk 0) and not onto the MUCH faster 1 TB PCIe M.2 SSD (disk 1) as you should have. Doing that kind of negates the use of the insanely fast (and insanely expensive) 1 TB Samsung 960 Pro now doesn't it??? If I were you, I'd install Windows on the MUCH faster disk 1 and use the slower disk 0 for your data storage. Doing so is not as easy as it sounds (due to the Surface Studio's UEFI controlling where the recovery image gets installed to), but it can indeed be done. If you need any help, I'd be more than happy to share how I did it on my own Surface Studio.


Hi TheOfficeMaven! I preordered a surface studio and will be swapping out the two drives with a 2.5" SATA III SSD and a 1 TB PCIe M.2 SSD. Can you explain how to intall windows on the fast drive?


Here's how to install it on the faster PCIe M.2 SSD:



Can I take off the SATA drive and use only the M.2 for Windows and Data? I don't need so much space. I can install only one 512Gb M.2 and it will be enough for me.


Yes ale, you can. Microsoft even offers configurations like that. I recommend a Samsung Evo 960. Incredibly fast speed. You can transfer a 10GB file in less than 3 seconds.


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Should be good to go but with a high price tag:(


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Is there a way to do this with external USB 3.0 SSD drives? I'd like to avoid physical modification of the box, but the thing is just SO slow with this 'hybrid' drive....


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i would like to know the same...


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Works perfect with: SAMSUNG 970 EVO Plus NVme M.2 (2TB) and SanDiskUltra 3D SSD 4TB.
Samsung replaces former RAID System ("both discs" of the original Studio) - did a backup with Acronis True IMage.
And the SanDisk is now my second drive (D). Studio ist now PERFECT again.... absolutely worth the money.

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I did it. I installed a sata ssd, and planning to use m.2 for external graphics.

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An update from 2021:

Successfully upgraded both drives to SSDs and installed windows on M.2 one. Did not have to do anything with additional intel RST drivers.

Booted from Win10 installation USB drive (with the latest Win10 version available).

Both drives were visible and accessible from the start.

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@zieg989 I'm curious how you did this - I tried only updating my M.2 (Disk 1) to a Samsung EVO 980Pro and retaining the slow/original 2tb HDD (Disk 0) . I'd like for to I could'nt get all drivers to install and I was spinning wheels when trying to install the "system update" - when I put original M.2 (Disk1) in place and reinstalled 1903 Win10 - eveything was ok but screen was black - touch works but could only see image on external monitor (via mini display port). What didnt I do correctly?


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