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iPad Air Wi-Fi + Cellular, model no. A1475. Available in Space Gray or Silver, with 16/32/64/128 GB configurations.

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which part I should to buy when on/off button doesn't work

My iPad Air (A1475 model) 's On/Off button no response.

which parts I should to buy on/off button doesn't work


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What happens when you try to hold the power button while unlocked? Does the slide to turn off dialog pop up?


Hi Ben

no. I tried to hold the power button , however It has been lifeless.


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Выбранное решение

There is no specific guide for doing the Power button but I would use this guide. There will be some slight differences because you have some extra internal antennas so proceed carefully.

This is the flex cable. This is the full flex and bracket assembly. They both do the same thing, you just need to decide if you want the "buttons" already installed or not. Look at the Guide first to see what is the best option for you.

iPad Air and iPad mini Volume and Power Button Cable Изображение


iPad Air and iPad mini Volume and Power Button Cable


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