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The third-generation HTC One smartphone which was first released in March 2015. Its major revisions on the M8 design include the octa-core Snapdragon 810 processor and a 20-megapixel rear camera.

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Anyone interested in buying parts for replacement or future repair?

In an attempt to replace the rear camera, the small black insert spaces for one of the SEVERAL ribbon cables broke or was broken, the top portion where pins are located. This is the connector I didn't discover this until after putting in the new camera. I was extremely careful when handling the cable and connector but I believe the connecting socket was already damaged and removing the ribbon and yellow tape delivered the killing blow. This resulted in the the phone not powering back on and increasing the repair cost of the phone too high (plus the connector was located on the main motherboard and I don't know how that repair would be done or if that would just reset the entire phone) This was my first attempt at a DIY phone repair and has left me very discouraged. Is this common? would it be possible to replace or repair the main motherboard? Is it even worth it? how can I be sure that this was the problem? plugging the phone into a charger lit up the screen to show that it was charging but the power button doesn't turn on the phone. Realizing how difficult and complex this phone is on the inside, I'd really just consider selling it for parts, every other aspect of the phone works perfectly, it worked fine until I opened it up, the camera just needed replacing. So unless an easy solution is given to fix the phone, anyone with information on where I can either sell the phone parts, or even just give them to a repair shop or other users would be greatly appreciated.

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Well you could sell the phone as is, for parts only, on sites like eBay.

If only the connector is damaged. You may be able to find someone to solder on a new FPC connector on the motherboard to replace the damaged one.

I would also possibly be interested in the phone if you are still looking to get rid of it. If so you can find my contact info here. https://www.ifixit.com/User/1116938/Burn...

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