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1.6 or 1.8 GHz dual-core processor, 2 GB or 4 GB of SDRAM, 64 GB or 128 GB SSD

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Air constantly shutting down. High temperature in Processor.


I've a MacBook Air Mid-2011, 4GB RAM, 256GB SSD (Not the original) and in the last year or so, it's been suffering from "random shut downs".

Block Image

What I try is the following:

- I identify that the Processor gets very hot so I replace the thermal paste (blue circle in the image above).

- I tried removing the SSD and run the OS in a external disk.

The problem keeps happening.

The processor gets really hot so I suppose that is the reason that the computer is shutting down, right?

Beside changing the logic board, any ideas?


(Sorry, english is not my native language).

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@urzua install smcfancontrol and set it to max, would be louder but usable


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Make sure the fan is spinning. Check the underside of the board for liquid damage. Try and boot into an OS and using benchmark software which will tell you the temperature of the CPU.

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Hi! Yes, the fan is running all the time but still gets really hot.


CPUs get hot, especially 2010-2012 Airs. Install a fan management program (SMC fan control for example) on an external drive, set it to max RPM, then boot into this drive and monitor the temperature.

If it is still turning off, check for liquid damage. Could just be a coincidence.


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