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The Samsung SCH-R355C is a feature phone manufactured by Samsung.

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Internal Storage Photo Recovery

Hello All,

Is it possible to recover deleted photos from the INTERNAL STORAGE of the samsung sch-R355c? This phones internal memory will not mount to pc, but I wonder if its possible to desolder the memory chip and resolder it to a new board or USB stick board, then run photo recover on it.

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Doing what you have said above would be impossible for anyone but the chipmaker themselves. Sorry, the chances of that working is about 1000/1.


Goodness, this sounds outlandish. Anyways. I, technically, think it's possible. You could, in theory, remove the chip, and place it on another board. And have the same memory. Why? For a $20. Couldn't say


The possibility of it working on another board are slim, but putting it on a flash drive is impossible.


Soldering such chips would be a challenge. Please see this channel to see tips on how to do it.



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@snowlife207 Unless you have the right tools and the knowledge, this is not going to work. You can try and send your phone to some data recovery places (very costly) or you can try and fix your phone to get it to a point where it at least gets recognized long enough to remove your files. You did not tell us what you've tried to repair your phone, what may have happened to it etc.

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