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The Xbox One Wireless Controller model 1697 was released in 2015 and replaced the model 1537 controller and fixed some of the problems found on Model 1537 controllers. The Model 1697 controller includes an integrated 3.5mm headset jack, which allows compatibility with most 3rd party headsets without the need of an adapter. This controller has been discontinued and replaced by the Model 1708 controller.

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My right trigger on my controller doesn't work at all!

It was weeks ago and my right trigger was stuck so I pushed down hard and it returned to normal. But I noticed that it wasn't responding to my console and I could hear something broken in the controller. So I opened the sides and shaked it again and a black spring look alike fell out. This however wasn't able to fix the controller. Please help.

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I would use the Xbox One Wireless Controller Bottom Motherboard Replacement guide, and go in sequential order until you can see another spring on the left trigger or you can see a place that's obviously missing a part.

There's very little difference between Model 1697 and Model 1537, and most of the steps should be the same.

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gmustang9 будет вечно благодарен.
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