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My phone fell and now the screen is not working keeps turning on n off

my phone fell face first on the pavement last night but right away it did not display any kind of damage only there was a white line across my screen horizontally starting on the top right side. the next day everything was well the line was still there but now the screen also starts shaking after about 30 min my screen shots off all the buttons work but my screen doesn't turn on and when it does it exhibits flashing of lights. now after 9 hours my phone screen wont turn on at all. i have tried restarting it, recharging but still no progress.

If any one has any suggestions or tips that might work please contact me through my email below or answer my question.



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I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it sounds like you have a damaged LCD. You will need to replace it to remedy this issue. iFixit does not have a guide for this uploaded. This repair can be somewhat complex for someone who has not done it before. If you attempt it at home, take your time and use plenty of heat.

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evakonjocrazyholic2010 будет вечно благодарен.
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