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Дата выхода 19 сентября 2014 года. Это маленькая версия iPhone 6 Plus с 4.7-дюймовым экраном.

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My iPhone boots to the apple logo and then turns itself off

I have an iPhone 6. When I press the power button or the volume button, the Apple logo comes on for 10-15 seconds, then just shuts off. I usually have the zoom controller come up when booting but it isn't showing it anymore. I don't think my iPhone is booting completely, but then just shuts off. NOT A BOOT LOOP. Please tell me what has happened to it and how to fix this problem without losing the data in my phone. I'll be grateful. Thanks!!

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Try doing update via iTunes? Still no go? Then you can only restore and lose data.


if it doesn't go on how can you restore it


I really need help, quick too. So basically my iPhone X goes into a boot loop and turns on from time to time, when it turns on I see that it’s not charging even thought it’s connected to the charger and when I unlock the phone nothing pops up but my wallpaper. Please help , if the help works I’ll be more than thankful. THANKS!!


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Sorry to hear about the issues you have been having with your iPhone 6! There are several things that you can try to fix this issue, however they generally involve restoring your device, which will mean you lose your data. Before you try this plug your device into iTunes. Does your iPhone appear in iTunes when plugged in? If it does, try and attempt a backup. This means that your data will be stored on the computer and you should be able to put it back on when the phone is fixed.

If this doesn't work then it is unlikely that your data will be recoverable. You could try one of the many data recovery programs available on the internet, but these often have limited success. Is your iPhone set to back up to iCloud? It might be without you even knowing. You can check this by follow this Apple support document. It also shows you how to see when your last backup was on iTunes.

If you wish to continue and restore your device please follow the below guide to restore your iPhone:

Restore Your iPhone

If this doesn't work you can try a DFU mode restore, following the instructions below:

DFU Mode Restore

Another user may have an idea on how you can save your data and fix your phone at the same time, but I cannot think of how.

All the best for your repair!

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It not work on


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My iphone 6 has been doing this for months but before it would turn on fully so I could still use it. Now it isn't even loading past the apple logo and if it does as soon as I enter my passcode it freezes for a minute and then turns off. Its currently just loading the apple logo and then shutting off, repeatedly. I think it might be a problem with the battery.

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Mine has been doing the exact same thing. Try shutting your phone completely off for about 30 minutes, after I did that my phone turned back on. It still keeps shutting on and off but doing that usually gets it back on. I’ve been working with Apple support over the phone for about two weeks & still no solution, they did tell me my battery isn’t too good but they claim that isn’t the reason it’s happening. I’ll let you know if I find a fix.


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I have a iPhone 6 it wouldn't respond after I hit the lock button and closed out my phone. I reset it by hitting the lock button and home button and held for 10 seconds and it acted as if I worked and then wouldn't power up past the Apple screen and then now it won't do nothing

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My iphone 6s does this and it will stay obn the apple logo for about 30 seconds and then shut off.. Please if someone knows explain how to fix it (:

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I see you've sorted your problem but for the future try this too! I had my phone on charge all night then in the morning it kept on rebooting and didn't charge at all. I do have batterie issues so I think that is the cause. When I came on sites like this everyone was saying plug it into iTunes and all that but my mac is too old to work with my iPhone 6+. Instead I simply help in the on button the whole time that the apple logo appeared on my screen and it just turned on! It hasn't rebooted since. So easy and no data lost!! Hope this helps anyone xx

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Error 4013. I Sent to repair shop for a month, but they said it can’t be repaired. then i restore my iPhone 6 with ios12 and its booted up! I’m using original iphone cable, imac and latest ios 12. Hope this helps.

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Hola muchas veces este error ocurre por la bateria en mal estado , prueben a cambiarla por una nueva , en casos mas graves puede ser que de algun golpe la placa base este dañada , problemas de nand , etc..

Lo mas facil es probar con la bateria nueva

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plug ot into itunes and update the phone its the most common thing ever when it does tht hope it helps

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coolcharbel123 будет вечно благодарен.
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