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Android-based handheld game console with both touchscreen and gamepad input capabilities, released by Nvidia in July of 2013. Initially dubbed simply "Nvidia Shield," now known as Shield Portable to differentiate it from other Shield products.

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How do I pull out mycharging port

I have my invida shield for a couple years now and some how i pushed my charging port in is there anyway i can pull it back in place

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Выбранное решение

@gunshaft9 , Matthew, Find below a link to show how to tear down your device to enable you to gain access to the charge port. From there I believe if port is loose, you will have to resolder it very carefully back into position or replace. The second link shows how a soldered port is changed. If not comfortable making repair have a good local computer/cell phone repair shop have a look, diagnose and estimate repair. Good luck.

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Nvidia Shield Portable Teardown


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