Is it possible to identify the motherboard after the serial number?


I've got a very specific question, even gopro could not help me out. Maybe somebody can...

The serial number on the back of the motherboard is the serial number of the camera ?

Or is it the serial number of the motherboard itself ?

Does it match the serial number in the battery compartment ?

Or is it a different number ?

Logic says, the motherboard should have a different serial number of course. (Like the lense has a unique serial number.)

However, the serial number on the motherboard has the exact same format like the camera has. And that's not logic at all... (For example the serial number of the lense has a completly different format).

My point is, could I identify, if somebody would steal my motherboard and gave me back a another one. I had to have serviced my cam. It couldn't read the SD card, but it was working and I got it back completly dead. And they said they can't fix it...

What do you think ?

Thank you! Have a nice day!

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