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Model A1174 with 2 GHz Core Duo or Model A1207 with 2.16 or 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo

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Buy a part not in the iFixit Store?

While doing a hard drive (HD) replacement on my 20" iMac, I damaged the temperature sensor which is attached to the HD. It is a small board, less than 1"-by-1", thermally bonded to the HD. The iMac works fine now, except the HD fan is always on, which is very annoying.

Is there some way to buy this part, even though it does not appear in your store? You seem to have access to Mac parts (including motherboards), does that same source also provide what I'm looking for? Even a scavenged part would be fine for me.

Hoping for the best. This is a great site.

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Part number 922-7242

Used in a lot of iMacs at the time. With the part number you can search for it online.

$13.00 Shipped on Ebay

usedmac.com has a used one for $12.00


dvwarehouse.com has a used one for $18.00


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2 Комментариев:

Excellent research +


That is a remarkably good answer, thank you. I'll buy from one of those sites. -Brian


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