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The March 2015 update of Apple's 13" MacBook Pro Retina Display, model A1502, features fifth-generation Intel Core i5 and i7 processors and introduces the Force Touch trackpad.

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Original or fake MacBook?

Hello everybody.

Left speaker began to rattle after 2 months after purchase.

(I bought in the store are not official)

Today I went to the Apple service center and they told me that my MacBook is not genuine and pointed to RAM, SSD, Wi-Fi module and no bolt near the power loop. (Which, judging by the photos on ifixit should not be there)

Prompt please, whether it is the original MF840ZP/A?

Sorry for my bad English, i'm not native speaker.



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The person you spoke too doesn't know his systems. From the images you posted here this appears to be a real Apple product.

The machining of the metal as well as the fit of the logic board is quite good. As for as the components they are laid out just like the real system which would be hard for a fake system to be duplicated. The shield around the RAM was added on the high end model so thats not a concern if you are comparing it to the images in the IFIXIT logic board guide.

Now what the person was trying to tell you was likely the system was Grey Market which is the real product that was imported into country illegally! So they may not cover it under warranty!

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I agree with @danj, although the shield for the RAM has definitely been removed at some point (all 2015 models have the shield, I have the entry model myself), which could indicate the MacBook was previously cleaned for liquid damage.

The battery has definitely been replaced (probably with late 2013-2014 battery, 2015 has just a black sticker. Font is also not right, so it is not an original battery sticker anyway), nothing wrong with the SSD, and the wifi card indicates the model is from another country, usually Saudi Arabia or China. Find a 3rd party repair place if Apple won't help, the speaker is a very easy repair.


@danj, @reecee, thank you for information!

Unfortunately, I apparently caught the seller a liar. (Although he sold except for the "new" even "refurbished" MacBook, but I bought his "new". This was a lesson to me, next time I will buy only at apple.com. As for wi-fi, I live in China but I bought a model for Hong Kong. And the battery works fine! 7-9 hours without problems!A speaker I buy and change for Ifixit instructions. I do not trust more than my MacBook Chinese technicians.


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