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The third iteration of the 10.1 inch Galaxy Tab tablet.

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Motherboards delivered without android OS; Install Guide?

Hi, do you have a step by step description how to flash a system image into the motherboards which you sell over your shop?

Here is a link to the motherboards in question:

Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 Motherboard

This question arose because you deliver your motherborads without an android system preinstalled.

Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 Motherboard Изображение


Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 Motherboard


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Go to this link and look at the different custom roms. There should also be stock roms.


There is usually a explanation on how to flash the rom. If you take a custom rom do not forget to download opengapps (the google apps). Ask if you have any further questions below this answer in the comment.

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