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This product is a 27-inch LED display with a resolution of 2650x1440 pixels released by Apple on July 27, 2010. It has the model number A1316.

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Why do my display turn black after a few minute that I boot up

what could it be i turn on the 27'display and it boots up after a few minutes it turns black then i turn it off and boot it up again same thing happen

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we have fixed many iMac 27" with graphic card problem to me it sound like graphic card failure but try OS installation and see if it does the same while you trying to install you might need to try installation with new hdd is same then most probably it is GPU

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This is great advice, but it appears that the affected device is a Cinema Display. Is that correct?


yes its a cinema 27'display and its connected to a mac mini


What model Mac Mini do you have, and what macOS version do you have? I would check your Mac's power savings settings as well to make sure that it's not just going to sleep very quickly.


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blklexus будет вечно благодарен.
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