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What will replacing only the NAND flash do to iPhone?

I'm curious to know what will happen, if I only replace the NAND flash chip with another chip from another iPhone.

Will it work? Or will it crash, not boot or what?

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Probably go into DFU mode and show some sort of error during restore. (4013, 4014, 9, 40, etc.) If you want to upgrade the NAND, you would need a new chip and a NAND programmer.

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if he just swaps the NAND, nothing will happen. First because it takes some expensive tools and a fair amount of skill to actually do the swap and second because none of the phone info will match what is stored on the NAND.

You can 100% reuse NAND from a different phone, you just have to have the hardware and software to do it. The hardware alone costs much more than any phone on the market though.


@joshw but i thought because a phone with no nand will still connect to itunes, shouldnt this?


If you transfer the memory chip on iPhone, you also need to transfer the CPU because the CPU decrypt the memory chip. If not, the data will be lost


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skvarlamatus будет вечно благодарен.
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