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upgrading from Tiger to Snow Leopard

Hi. I need to upgrade from Tiger to Snow Leopard to enable my son to use his new iPod Touch 4th generation. In addition, my daughter needs the upgrade to use her new LiveScribe Echo Smartpen.

I have seen excellent replies on upgrading to Snow leopard from Tiger (10.4.11). The suggestion was to do an intermediate upgrade to 10.5 prior to the Snow Leopard upgrade. However, I haven't the faintest idea on how to procure a OSX 10.5 upgrade disk. Can anyone suggest where I can get such software? I really hope to avoid the expense of the Mac Box Set.

Fingers crossed in NJ

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I partially followed Gabe's advice. I bought Snow Leopard installation disks at Apple Store for $29.99. Prior to installing I backed up all of the documents, photos and movies to external hard drive. I installed the Snow Leopard software. I found after installing that I had to install Rosetta software from the internet in order to use my MS Office 2004 for Mac. But after that, it worked great.

My Canon Scanner and Lexmark deskjet printers no longer worked, but in about 30' I was able to install 10.6 suitable drivers from internet. They are working great.

I was surprised that my old iMovieHd, iPhoto and MPEG Streamclip applications worked just fine. If things change with iPhoto and I need to install the new version of iLife, I'll post a later comment here.

The most important points here are (1) I did not buy Snow Leopard Box Set. So, I saved > $100; & (2) I did not install OSX 10.5 as an intermediate step. I went straight to OSX 10.6.

SO FAR SO GOOD. Thanks for your advice.


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I would recommend to do a complete reinstall, start clean and new.

There is no need to buy 10.5 just to use it once.

Back up all your data onto an external, just pop in the 10.6 DVD, while starting up, hold C and follow the prompts.

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+ Gabe is correct. The new 10.6.3 is a full installation disk. Just to be sure check to see that it does not say upgrade on it.


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Who knew the 10.5 upgrade was going to become so rare? Take a look here: http://fastmac.com/osx.php

Look on eBay and if all else fails click on my icon and email me.

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