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The Nikon COOLPIX B500 is a mid-tier superzoom point and shoot camera. It is sold in black, purple, and red.

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Turn camera off and on error!

Everytime I turn my camera on it says turn camera off and on. I did it so many times I called them and they sid its cause of the batteries and memory card , I replaced both more than six times.What do I do?HELPPPPPPP!!!

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Remove Lens Cap before pushing power on button. If you don't have a lens cap but still get this message your lens may be stuck. Gently rap your camera on the table twice to see if it frees up the lens.

Most of these point and shoot cameras the lens has to extend when turned on. If the lens cap is in place or lens slightly out of alignment due to a drop or bump the camera will sense it is jammed and not try to force it. Hope this works.


Mr bill brown THANk YOU. What seemed so easy after I read your answer wasn't so prior to. Yes!!! my camera is back in action. I've never used it, I got it for Christmas 2016 and each time I would turn it on I get the message " turn camera off and back on again" after doing that a million & one times, no change. But thank you for solving my problem. Praying Gods best to you and yours always.


Hi- I just got my camera today and had this problem. I expected to have to search for an answer for hours or spend hours on the phone with Nikon. I entered Trouble shooting and up came your answer. Thank you!


the primary error is that the lens has to be extended in order to turn on the camera. what a frustrating design error. why would you need to expose your lens to dust in order to playback images?


No luck when I rap the camera on the table. Any other suggestions?


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Выбранное решение

Juss CallMeBaay , From the manual. Make sure that the lens cap has been removed, then turn the camera on again. If the error persists even after the camera is turned off and then on again, contact retailer or Nikon- authorized service representative. If under warranty return for repair/replacement/refund.

Ensure you have good fully charged batteries in camera. I believe your lens may be sticking, tap it on hard surface a couple times while powering on, if it works clean the lens barrel of any dust/lint/etc. with a clean dust free cloth. Good luck. I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.

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I was having the exact same problem. Only 3 things it could be SIM CARD, BATTERIES OR MY PROBLEM THE CAMERA LENS. Gently tap your camera lens on a solid surface the lens could be out of place. If you don’t see the lens come all the way out then there goes your problem. Yw.


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Just remove the lens cap before you push the "On" button. The message should say "remove the lens cap" instead of "turn the camera off then on"!!!!

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Оценка 6

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turn the camera off and then on again

Nikon coolpix b500


No sir kuch nhi ho pa rha hai

Turn the camera off and then on again


Prying the rim of the lens worked like a charm! Time consuming, but worth it! Thank you!


Nora is spot on. All I needed to do was open the lens cap. The error message should just say that!!!


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Here's another tip: The Nikon CoolPix B500 uses individual batteries, not a rechargeable pack provided by Nikon or camera stores. Make sure that the batteries you put in are:

1) the right type (AA, D, etc)

2) placed in the slots properly (+ side of battery slot matches + side of battery)

3) fully charged

I had the same issue two times, both times, the batteries stopped working.

Another thing is that the Nikon Coolpix B500 is not a extreme temperature camera. Taking pictures in freezing or very hot temperatures can cause the camera to slow down or shut down.

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Easy when you know what you are looking for. Obviously my camera has been dropped. The lens ring was out of whack, not circular, more oval. I tapped it into a more round shape and the lens was able to clear the cover and extend. So grateful for the advice.

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It worked! Thanks


Thanks for the information about the lens ring. It works!!!!!thank you,thank you,thank you again!!!Happy New Year,too


worked like a charm i was so scared my camera was out of use forever! 3 little taps on my kitchen counter where i noticed it was a tad bit warped and the sucker turned right on after months of me not knowing what was wrong! it clearly got knocked over or something and bent out of shape. thankyou, this helped so much!


OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


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I had that problem. It was because I had the lens cover on.

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I noticed that the lens was trying to extend, but was hitting on something. A little closer look and I found tht the Ring around the lens, the one that says "Nikkor 40x optical zoom" was warped. I took it off and the caer works fine.

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how did you remove it?


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Some one suggested banging it a few times and then press the start button but that didn’t work for me!

Someone suggested taking off the front rim you know the one that has the 40x optical lens,gently prying it open because it is probably bent and is not releasing the zoom lens which should come out when you turn the camera on. I did this and my camera is working just fine now!!

just doesn’t look that great.

I used a small sesseur to pry open the rim. it takes time good luck

Susseur Wizard 2018

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How’d you take it off?


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It's because you have not removed the camera lens cover. Remove that, then turn camera back on and it will work. Was having the same problem until I figured this out.

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Here’s a possible answer if you can’t tap the camera back into service and it cannot be repaired. If you bought it in America, like I did through Walmart.com, you might have been sold a camera that was not intended to be sold in America and therefore Nikon America will be unable to repair it.

At this point, it is basically garbage can time.

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Before I toss it, anyone interested in buying it for $50 and seeing if you can fix ti?


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It really works!!, I am glad I found this:) it kept saying that same error message so I looked at the lens thinking I’m stupid and it won’t work and then twisted it and rolled it on the table and I then turned it on and it worked.

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