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Model zd8000, 17" Widescreen display, 2.8-3.6 GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor

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My hp zd8005ap does not turn on?

Few days backi was chrging my laptop suddenly i heard a sound like cracking then little burning smell came out after that nothing happening in my laptop . after that i disamble the laptop then i saw a burned mosfet named AO4407(3pieces). now what to do?


thanx for all . i bought the 5 pieces of AO4407 and fixed my laptop. but have problem also of charging . it only charging during off state. in running state charging light blinking . thanx

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Thank you for accepting my answer and I hope that you got your laptop fixed. Good luck to you.


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I am not sure what laptop you have. The Mosfet AO4407 in Dell Compaq/HP laptop is part of the charging circuit. So I would further investigate if you have some capacitor issues that caused the Mosfet to short circuit. It's 'fuller' part# is AO4407 If you look it up at Mouser.com, it cross referenced to a chip from ST micro: STS10PF30L. they are readily available. Here is the datasheet http://www.aosmd.com/pdfs/datasheet/AO44... good luck, and may be consider a surge protector in the future...who knows :)

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Sorry just realized that you have an HP ZD8005AP I do apologize for my shorthsightedness :)..


first time only 2 mosfets burned . after that i remove 1 from the same position then the laptop was working for one week. after that again 1 more mosfet burned. actually their are 4 mosfets at same postion in parrellel line . now their only 1 mosfet remain . what to do?


Sounds to me that you have a short circuit in the charging circuit. Also make sure that the laptop is cooling okay. Just wondering if you can use a different power supply just in case the one you are using is having power surges. Here is a little bit more info on the AO4407 http://mayohardware.blogspot.com/2010/04... not the same computer but the same application.


+Very nice providing the data sheet.


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You can buy replacements from ebay for this part but I'm wondering, what caused three of these to fail at the same time...

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