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Repair guides and troubleshooting for Dell Inspiron 17" laptop computers.

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How to replace my lcd screen

Is there a guide on how to replace my lcd screen? My screen is broken and I have just bought a new screen



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Hi @eghobor ,

What is the model number of your laptop?


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@eghobor, anthony, You did not state your lap tops model #, What I will do is post a couple different models showing how to replace the screen and hopefully that will suffice, if not add your laptops complete model# or try doing a search yourself for(make, model#,screen replacement). Good luck. I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.



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Hi @eghobor ,

To add to this answer, if you search online for "Dell Inspiron (your model number) service manual" there should be results from the Dell website for downloads for the hardware and maintenance (or service) manual. This gives the correct pre-requisites and procedures for replacing all of the components of a laptop.


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anthony будет вечно благодарен.
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