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A large smartphone by LG, released in fall 2014. The LG G3 (D855) boasts a Quad HD IPS display and a 13-megapixel camera.

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Whats the best screwdriver to use to disassemble my phone

I'm looking to take apart my lg g3 because it has some flickering/fade problem but I'm not sure if I should buy the philips #00 or the philips #000 screwdriver to open it safely and properly

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Use a #00 for those screws.

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Moon CrawlerVG (MoonCrawlerVG), Phillips #00 Screwdriver is the one you want and find below the disassembly guide for LG G3. Good luck. I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.

LG G3 D855 Teardown

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