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Repair guides and support for Panasonic's Viera line of televisions.

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No support no info for TC-50PX14

''The power relay engages then disengaged. It's a model TC-50PX14. Red light flashes but not in any pattern. Some times if you "Diddle" the power button a couple of times it will stay on. Now the thing won't even try to stay on. Please, Please help me. I'm no dummy with electronic boards. I'm am in you debt.'

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@theguardian sounds like an issue with the power board. The blinking light is usually caused by the P-board. and is to be treated like the No Power troubleshooting. you may be looking at bad caps or bad MOSFETS. Of course do not forget to check your button bar to make sure that this is not where the trouble originates. If it comes on with a remote but not the buttons you know that it is those that are having issues.

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If you need to, download the SM from here

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