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track pad and select button non responsive

no matter what I try my ipods trackwheel and select button will not respond when i push them. Ipod was dropped into water for a total of no more than 5 seconds. no water came out so I'm not sure if any went in and none wanted to come out or what is wrong but if anyone has any information about how to fix it it would be greatly appreciated.

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Did you wait and be sure it was completely dry before powering it on? A bag of rice for a week usually does the trick. The worst thing that you can do is the first thing you want to do. (instinct!) The click wheel can be replaced if the unit powers on but doesn't let you manipulate it with the controls. It is not an easy process and you have to replace the back as well since when you remove it, it will get bent up. Order a new case, new click wheel and iPod adhesive and follow the teardown:

iPod Nano 3rd Generation Teardown

When you get to the second page you see the click wheel assembly is out. Then put it back together. Good luck and let us know how you do!

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jake glover будет вечно благодарен.
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