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Rectangular Form Factor / 16 GB capacity / Announced September 12th, 2012

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Headphone audio Jack works when it wants

My i pod nano 7th gen audio jack only works when i put some Isopropyl Alcohol on the tip of my headphone's plug then stops working after couple minutes (my guess is that the Isopropyl alcohol got dried out).I'm out of ideas for this alcoholic jack.I tried cleaning it with a q-tip with some alcohol but the problem persisted after it was thankful for the alcohol.I really like my music but this is frustrating since i got to do it every time, any suggestions to help resolve this problem?

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and yes, i tried 2 other headphones and nothing changed.


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So 2 suggestions

1) Follow iFixit's teardown guide to replace the headphone jack completely

iPod Nano 7th Generation Teardown


2) I am not sure if this has been tried on a nano, but I've see it used with an iPhone 5C: Use a Lightning port to headphone adapter (the type that comes with an iPhone 7 because it has no headphone jack).

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