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Samsung Galaxy S7 (SM-G930, SM-G935) — смартфон седьмого поколения линейки Galaxy S, анонсированный компанией Samsung Electronics 21 февраля 2016 года на MWC в Барселоне[

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My screen shattered and I need to repair it

the touch and display works fine but the gorilla glass is a mess

i want to know if i can fix it without buying the whole panel?

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You can, but it'll require a lot of time, patients, and skills to separate the LCD from the touch display. I understand your frustration though. Samsung screen replacements are pretty expensive.


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Unfortunately, replacing the glass on the s7 Edge is an extremely difficult job, this is due to the AMOLED display being very fragile.

You would need pretty expensive equipment to refurbish the screen to a professional level without breaking it.

It is possible, but also a very hard task.

Most people use heat, from a heat gun, and they use playing cards to slide in under the OCA (optically clear adhesive) due to the cards being thin, and useful for not damaging the screen, this is to separate the glass from the AMOLED panel.

You will usually need LOCA (liquid optically clear adhesive) and a UV lamp to cure the LOCA.

You may need other tools to assist in the repair of the glass, as you'll need to remove the logic board so you don't overheat that, Phillips screwdriver, plastic spudger to disconnect connectors, and you'll need to remove the battery, as lithium ion batteries don't like heat!

Removing the back glass is very simple, heat gun, and you can use a thin spudger to get underneath the glass.

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@gedo1992 well this is negative and does not address how to fix it.


I know it's pretty negative, but it's quite a reality, it is possible, but will more than likely end up breaking the display, then they have to wait to replace the entire display, I'll slightly edit my answer.


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Here's how to do it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEFq1B5v...

Unfortunately it is an expensive part:


It might be best to Google this and find a professional who offers the glass replacement service in your area:

"s7 edge glass replacement service"

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Frankly speaking you will not be able to do it on yor own as it requires some machines to do it and the amazon is giving the display is very expensive u will get the display around $200

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I should take it to a professional i know that but where i am they replace the whole panel and it cost almost 70 percent of the phone around 350 or 400

What do you think repair it or buy a new phone?

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