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110V vs 240V compatibility?

I need a Blu-ray player capable of reading A-zone discs in Europe. It seems there is no Blu-Ray zone unlock for most models, so I am considering purchasing a dedicated BR player on eBay. I realize there is a 110 vs 220 V difference, so I'm generally looking into AC adapter-equipped models, and it seems that Sony uses them the most. However, the US models come with 110V AC to 12V DC adapters instead of the customary 110-240V AC to 12 V DC. I understand that Sony PS consoles from the US can take 220V despite 110V markings. Can anyone verify if this also applies to any particular BR player or whether Sony AC adapters are in fact 110-240V?

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While purchasing an adapter is a viable option, I wonder whether this equipment will actually work as is - because apparently this was the case with PS3/PS4 as verified by the ifixit team. For example, Sony is using two types of external AC adapters for their recent blu-ray players - AC-M1210UC (120 V, US/Canada) and AC-L1210WW (100-240V, rest of the world). The question is, do they really use different electric circuit for the US model or is it the same 100-240V parts with a different plug and label? The same goes for other brands, like Samsung, Panasonic, etc. - if they sell their equipment in 100-240V markets (South America, I believe), do they actually have separate versions of PSU for the 120V (US/Canada) and 240V (Europe) markets? Or do they use the same 100-240V PSUs and just label their equipment differently? Today I contacted a local seller who had a Panasonic DMP-BD75 from the US with internal PSU labeled 120V and he says it's been working fine on 220V. Basically, I would like to see if someone had a chance to open/fix similar devices and verify whether US models indeed come with 120V-only PSUs or 100-240V PSUs that will work anywhere with a different power cord or plug adapter.


Do we have the info about Sony UBP-X700 ? It is labelled 110v. Will it work with 220v supply?


Will this work with 50Hz instead of 60Hz? I have a 120-220v transformer so voltage isn’t a concern. Just concerned about the 50Hz. I see that some are running this model directly to 220 50Hz but I’m a chicken.


Hello, i've my concerns too on UBP X700 sony, since i ask my brother to bought it without checking the voltage, is it capable to on 220volt?



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Выбранное решение

Fair Havens "to any particular BR player" that will entirley depend on what model you are looking at. Tell us about the model with the " US models come with 110V AC to 12V DC adapters"? In that case you only would need to change the power adapter to a 220V-12V adapter.

Update (07/02/2017)

Fair Havens you are looking for a broad answer and that is very difficult to do. "verify whether US models indeed come with 120V-only PSUs or 100-240V PSUs " there are just to many models out. It would help if you have an idea about which model BR player you are looking at.

Here are a few that I know off:

Sony BDP-S3500

Sony UBP-X800

Sony BDP-S7200

Sony BDP-S480

Sony BDP-S5100

Sony BDP-S3700

Sony BDP-S6500

Panasonic DMP-BD87

Panasonic DMP-BDT270

Panasonic DMP-BDT360

Panasonic DMP-BD77

Panasonic DMP-BD75

and hundreds more.

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Thank you! Initially I was mostly considering Sony BDP S1700 through S6500 models with an external PSU. I researched some more this past week and also found out that Panasonic DMP-BD903 comes with an external PSU actually labeled 100-240V. Also, a Swiss avsforum member confirms that a US-purchased Samsung UBD-K8500 has a 100-240V, 50/60 Hz PSU despite the 120V labeling on the case, with the pictures of the PSU board to prove this. So it might (or might not) be the case across the board, at least I can see how this would make sense for the manufacturers. As for my current situation, I will probably settle for a used Zone A/Region 1 Panasonic DMP-BD75 that was available locally. It is also labeled 120V but seems to work fine on 220V.


Fair Havens, that is correct. The Panasonic DMP-BD75 will work with your 220V.


All the listed models above come with 100-240V PSU?


@oldturkey03 I've confirmed it! My x800 works fine on 220V! Thanks!!! :D


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If it just needs a 12V adapter, then provided you can find one with a suitable plug on the (12V) end then any generic adapter should work, and it shouldn't be hard to find a 110/220V one. You can get adjustable (output) voltage ones which come with a range of plugs on the low voltage end. Just make sure the output Amps rating is at least as great as the original Sony adapter, and go for a reputable source - some cheap Far Easter imports are of very poor quality, some even being positively dangerous.

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Thank you, Philip. I realize what I need to do to get it working with an adapter, either 12V DC or 220/110 AC. There is an idea, however, that most of the electronics nowadays is equipped with 100-240V PSUs because this is more economical (basically, you save on R&D this way because you only have to design one PSU instead of three). Since ifixit is generally a resource for those who fix their equipment, I was wondering if someone could prove or disprove this notion.


You are very likely right that most electronics these days is designed to run on 100 - 240V but it would be unwise to assume that in the absence of a clear marking. In particular, cheap wall cube adapters are probably built to a price and since they will be equipped with pins suitable only for specific US, UK, EU or other mains sockets they may be designed to only work on the voltage traditionally supplied through those sockets.


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My UBP X800 is labeled 120v but works great with 220v. I have checked the inside power supply and some pieces says 250v

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Hi, I have also purchased a X800 from Amazon and today I got it here in Sri Lanka. It says 110V where as we have 220V. Can you please upload a photo of the PSU of your X800? so that I can verify me too is having the same?


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I also concur. I am setting up my Sony UBP-X800 labels 120v ~ 60hz as I typed this and it is currently working on 220v. I also have an 120v ~ PS3 for over 7 yrs now connected to 220v and it works fine when I use it.

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I was about to purchase the UBP-X800 from Amazon US (120V/60Hz) and shipped it to Thailand where the power supply come with 220V/50Hz. Suddenly I paused my order as this could be the issue. Could you please help ensuring that it will work with 220V/50Hz. Pls share your PSU pics. I do really admire the X800 which Sony Thailand do not have plan to launch it in Thailand. Thx.


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