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The Pontiac Grand Am is a mid-size size (and later compact) car produced by Pontiac. The 1999-2005 generation is the final generation of the Pontiac Grand Am.

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Why is my 2003 Pontiac Grandam overheating?

ave a 2003 Pontiac Grandam, last week all of a sudden it started overheating. Temperature gauge maxed out within a 5 minute drive.

I let it cool down ran it a couple of miles at night with no problems. Tried it again the following morning still no problems. At noon it started overheating again. These time even when car is cold and I add coolant it disappears.

No apparent leaks

I fill it up to max capacity and within seconds it's gone.

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Sounds like a radiator or hose leak. Possibly a damaged freeze plug. I'd fill it up, start it up, and put it up on a rack and inspect it for where the leak is.

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