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Wi-Fi only version of Apple's 2nd generation iPad Air. Model A1566.

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Completely dead device. Will not charge.

A few days ago my ipad abruptly shut down overnight. I believe it had around 50% battery left . Now its just screen off it does not even show the Apple logo. I went to the Apple service centre which said this will cost around 400 usd. Is this a battery defect? Is it repairable?

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The Battery charge is too low for the Internal charging circuit.

I had the same Problem. I opened up my device and charged the battery with an external charger. Since this time it works perfekt.


I can’t believe this worked but it did. My iPad would not charge and was completely dead. I tried different outlets and charging cords. I did the force restart and it wouldn’t work. It was D E A D dead. Seen this post. I used my heating pad on high laid my tablet on it and when I got out of the shower it was on and charging. Thanks.


fantastic!! thanks for this!!!


My old iPad is 15 years old. iPad Air 2. Hasn’t been touched 3 years. Wouldn’t charge. I tried your trick and it’s a flipping miracle, dude. It powered up and is charging! You, dear genius, are my new Hero!!


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Выбранное решение

Well so this an update: no the iPad never booted up again and since apple was charging me 400usd for a replacement (Apple India i mean) i bought The newer 32gb IPad 2017 or 5th generation :( Sadly the Air 2 is just paperweight now

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Guys and girls, if your iPad won't come on or charge, even with all the hard reset options etc, I guaranteed you this works, I've just brought my totally kaputt Ipad2 Air back to life. Fill a hot water bottle with nearly boiling water, lay it on a flat surface with a teatowel over it. Rest your poorly iPad on top with charger cable in and screen facing upwards, leave for 15 mins then BOOM! Your iPad will restart then charge up to full normally. Happy days. Hope this helps you all :)

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This works!!!!! In under 15 minutes mine was awake alert and saying Hello!


This defo worked for my iPad mini 4, after trying everything else I thought can't do anymore harm to dead ipad, it's now charging fine thank you. I won't let it get that flat again.


I will also try this method...


This actually worked! I can't believe it, amazing. You saved me $100 for a battery replacement. Thanks!


i didnt think it would work but it did Very surprised thanks for the tip


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I'd be stunned if this is bad battery, more likely it is either a short on the main power rail of the logic board, mechanical damage to the charge port, a bad charging permission ic chip or a bad NAND flash memory chip. None of these are DIY fixes so a trip to your closest microsoldering board repair shop is likely your best bet.

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Hello It is no short Circuit. The mainboard draws only 0.08amp out of the 5 volt charger. I charged the battery with an external circuit and evoila the device charged normaly with 1,5 amp.


I did it. My ipad is in heaven


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@pma1612 could be a bad battery. Could also be that your logicboard has a fault which the charging IC etc. If you want to start with the battery and want to do it yourself use this guide. The battery is available at places like this.

Check with a USB ammeter if your iPad even attempts to charge. Check your cable/charger and port as well to make sure that all that functions as it is supposed to.

Replace a 7340 mAh battery compatible with iPad Air 2 A1566 and A1567 model tablets. Part #020-8558. 3.76 Volts (V). Battery model A1547. Изображение


iPad Air 2 Battery


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My ipad 5 Is taking around 0.466A. Is that normal for that to happen? The ipad shut of randomly and we have charged it a lot. Do you think I could be a dead battery?


@alexnguyen1 I would definitely start with a new battery.


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Yes the battery is repairable. But It does take a hr+ to do. You have to heat up the LCD slowly and they take it off. They are charging way too much for a battery. I work for a apple based company and iPad battery replacements are 120-150 max. Also if you do take it in to a 3rd party repair shop, make sure they test it with a new battery 1st. If it works then your good to go. Some places just put a new one it, won't test it then charge you for it plus labor!

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@bethbarton please update your profile so we can get to know you a little better. Feel free to list who you are working for and how much experience you have garnered. Also (as one of the few distaff techs around) why you chose this profession. There are far to few females in the business at present.


Thanks I will do :)


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I had the same issue and went to she Apple store. They initially told me it needed an update via iTunes but that was not the case. After connecting it with iTunes, it remained dead. If you press the home button together with on/off button, keep it pressed and then when it reboots, keep the home button pressed for another 15 sec you should force the ipad to a factory default. After this, I connected the ipad to a macbook and was able to do a new install. Maybe this helps?

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did work for me! thx


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Well I went to the service centre today. They said there is no option but to replace the entire unit. (They do not even know how to open an ipad). Now I will try going to an independent repair shop. PS : As I am a student I do not have enough time to open this thing to check whether the battery is working

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I do not believe that this is mechanical damage since this ipad has never been dropped on the ground


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I have also same issue with my ipad air 2. No force restart or reset or charging is helping me out.

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Just buy or exchange for a new one. I replaced the battery with a third party after my battery got swollen and it went kaput after 6 months and keeps shutting down. Initially using a powerbank allows me to use it but it started to shut down mid use again and again. I guess it needs a bit of internal battery power to function. I'm now buying a China Android tablet which costs just a100+.

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Right?! I knew I shouldn't have bought this crap...never again!


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Try doing a hard reset with the charger plugged into the device you can do this by holding the power button down and volume down button for about 15 seconds press power button after 15 seconds

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No, that didn't work.


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My iPad Air would not react to anything above. Thought OK have tried everything but am running plug sockets on an inverter so ac / dc might be an issue. Took it to a direct current plug socket and it started charging immediately!!!

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