1st. What event happened that caused this issue to start?
As to what it sounds like may have caused this. Possibly replacing the front screen and replacing the original home button, i ve read on apple forums that a fingerprint model of iphone home button being replaced by a aftermarket home button.
A much more common issue like this happens 6-12 months after a cell phone was jail broken. The code written by the pirate coders has bugs, etc in it, that slowly over time corrupts the apple software so badly that after 6 months a problem like this arises. If thats the cause, there is no cure, sell it on ebay and let a expert in microsoldring buy it. They can just start swapping soldered parts on the board until they isoliate the corrupt microprocssor on the board.
Was the phone exposed to a liquid spill sometime in the past 4 months? Its about that amount of time it takes a tiny area that was touched by water takes befoe the corrotion
One other you can check is to use a 10x-20x glass and a flashlight to look closely inside the simcard tray slot. Look for a hair, dust, also exaime the sim card and see if one area of the copper has a unusal deeply wore area verses the others. Also inspect all the other orafaces for any debris that might cause a short.
Lastly, the simcard reader might be bad
Only connecting a MICROSOFT PC via USB to a iphone and when itunes opens on its on, will activate the APPLE FIRMWARE REPAIR diagenostic tools that you need ran to fix any software issue repair.
First i would charge the phone to 100%, then wipe the iphone and restore it as a new iphone. Before ever connecting it to itunes.
iPhone 6 plus boot loop after screen repair
refer, to the post 9 down below yours, called. iphone stuck in loop
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7 Комментариев
I am having this exact same issue. Took it to T-Mobile today and they couldn’t get it figured out either. Not idea what to do.
из Bret Bisel
Is the phone locked to a certain network by any chance?
из Ben
Sounds like there is a problem with the SIM card.
из Tenby Dog
Hello! I've seen this problem a few times. Are you up to date on software? That was the case in a few of them. When you insert the sim and it brings you to activate it what does it say on the screen?
из Hunter Kegher
I have this problem with a new iPhone XS, occurs when I activate an eSIM. Did you ever figure out the problem? I have tried multiple different eSIMs. Apple gave me a replacement phone but it occurs on that aswell.
из doug2057
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