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My iPod nano 4th gen has a mirror image

My ipod nano 4th gen has had slight water damage i took it apart and let it dry and it turned one the only thing was the screen was a mirro image. So i took it apart again and it looks like there is a little corrosion on the ZIF cable. I have yet to find anything else wrong with it. Any suggestions on how to clean the cables and any other issues that may be causeing the mirror image?

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Of course you tried to reset, meaning to press the Center and Menu buttons together until the Apple logo appears correct?

How about a restore of the iPod via iTunes? If not, that would be your next step. As for the corrosion, i usually just clean my equipment with isopropyl alcohol and a soft brush. Do not forget inside the connector.

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no i havent and ty for the suggestion i will try that right now.


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