Galaxy S5 won't turn on after heat exposure for a couple of hours.

I had left my phone wrapped up in a t-shirt on a chair that was exposed to the sun for a few hours. I had already needed a new battery before the exposure so I thought that it could be the battery. I purchased a new battery and it still didn't work. The phone recognizes when it's being charged but it gets to the start up screen (Samsung all white screen) and then freezes. It then starts to heat up exponentially at the middle to upper right hand side of the phone. Other than that it won't do anything. I tried turning it on while keeping the phone in front of an air conditioner for a few hours but the phone only shut off after a while. It did prevent the heating up though. Also once the phone has been turned on there is no way of turning it off other than to remove the battery. The phone has been off and untouched for a few days now but the problem still remains.

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